Resource Bundle Code Signing

With Xcode 13.3, Apple introduced a new requirement for iOS applications to code sign any and all resource bundles. This has, apparently, been a requirement for Mac Catalyst for quite some time and has now made its way to the iOS platform. This is somewhat problematic for teams that consume resource bundles as part of a library/framework as the distributor cannot specify the code signing configuration on behalf of the consuming application....

Distributing and Consuming Dependencies

One of the benefits of a healthy platform is the availability of high quality open source projects that compliment it. However, without an official method of distribution, the community was left to solve this problem. Two major methods emerged: CocoaPods & Carthage. CocoaPods CocoaPods is a Ruby gem that allows you to create a CocoaPod. Each pod defines integratable targets via source files and/or binary files, resources, and other dependencies in a YAML based podspec....